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Live Series
Event Details
Monday, 4 October 2021
Friday, 8 October 2021
Friday, 15 October 2021
16.00 - 16.45 WIB
16:00 - 17:00 WIB
16:00 - 17:00 WIB
Olivina Maskan
Co-Founder of @arisearose
Need advice on how to study, or perhaps, you'd rather learn more about digital literacy? Well, you've come to the right person! YouTuber, U-Report UNICEF Ambassador, Co-Founder of @arisearose, and bestselling author -- Olivia Maskan, better known as Peachy Liv, has always been vocal about social, educational, and environmental issues on a national and global scale.
Nadya Syarifa Mirandhany
a.k.a Sailormoney
Nadya Syarifa Mirandhany, better known as Sailormoney is a singer, host, and model based in Indonesia. Using her internet platform to share awareness about social justice, women empowerment, and mental health, she hopes to create a better public environment online and offline. Sailormoney also values self-growth, believing that from there, the growth in others will follow and that more people will come to value the lives of different Indonesian communities.
Monica Puja Azzahra
Member of @sadarisekarang
Monica Puja Azzahra is a member of Sadari Sekarang, a community youth organization which aims to build awareness about self-love. Through educational programs and information surrounding mental health, Sadari Sekarang has made an impact in empowering and giving people support and opportunities to connect with one another.
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